THE Stock Market Guide to Profitable Investments
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The Ways to Make Money

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank."Woody Allen (1935 -...
Stock Market Dividends

Stock Market Dividends

Why are people willing to buy a share of stock? The fundamental approach argues that investors value the dividends the stock will pay. More generally,...

Investing? Think Carefully!

"The truth is always the strongest argument!"Sophocles (495 - 406 BC) Take a look in the mirror and remember that any action you take...
Stock Market Ups and Downs

Stock Market Ups and Downs

Why do the stock markets keep on going up and down? The basic theory is that market fluctuations occur partly because companies make money,...
Individual Stocks or Mutual Funds

Investing in Individual Stocks or Mutual Funds?

I was a mutual-fund advocate for years. I thought funds were the best answer to certain investment dilemmas. Right now "my love affair" with...