THE Stock Market Guide to Profitable Investments
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profit loss trading

Alternatives to Share Trading

The share dealing market is massive business and many people, even in these current times of financial hardship, are interested in investing in shares....
Investments and Convertible Bonds

Investments and Convertible Bonds

A Convertible Bond (or convertible debenture) is a type of bond that can be converted into shares of stock in the issuing company, usually...
Investing and Viatical Settlements

Investing and Viatical Settlements

Viatical Settlements are contracts representing an instrument of purchase that allow conservative investors to "Have their cake and eat it too!" Viatical Settlements...

Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets

When we talk about bull and bear stock markets reminds me that it's a zoo out there. And, like any zoo, there are quite...
Investing in Microeconomics

Investing in Microeconomics or in Macroeconomics?

Most economists, believe different methods are needed for studying individual markets versus the whole economy. Even though most economists agree on the basics of microeconomic...